Ouyen the cheapest locality in Victoria to purchase a house: Investar
Ouyen is the cheapest locality in Victoria to purchase a house, according to Investar’s latest report.
The property investment firm says that the current median price is $119,500 - an increase of 8% over the past year.
This is followed by Dimboola with $122,500 and Morwell with $125,000.
Suburb | Postcode | Bedrooms | Current median price |
Ouyen | 3490 | 3 | $119,500 |
Dimboola | 3414 | 3 | $122,500 |
Morwell | 3840 | 2 | $125,000 |
Red Cliffs | 3496 | 2 | $130,000 |
Warracknabeal | 3393 | 3 | $131,500 |
A three bedroom home at Ouyen such as the one at 26 Ritchie Street (above) that is for sale for $119,950.
A three bedroom home at 22 Williams Street (below) was sold for $130,000