Housing tax arrangements on October tax forum agenda
The federal government’s upcoming tax summit will look at tax arrangements affecting the housing market with possible changes to state taxation arrangements including stamp duties.
Congestion taxes are also on the agenda in the discussion paper, which aims to inform public debate on continuing tax reform in the lead up to the October 4-5 tax forum.
The discussion paper outlines a range of ideas that were raised in the Australia’s Future Tax System Review presented by then Treasury boss Ken Henry to the Rudd government in late 2009.
The discussion paper includes a section on each of the six sessions that will be held at the forum: personal tax; transfer payments; business tax; state taxes; environmental and social taxes; and tax system governance.
Some 47 participants and 21 observers have been selected for direct invitation, with another 56 participants and five observers chosen by the leaders of invited organisations.
A further 52 participants and 20 observers will be selected through an expression of interest process.