What the $292,500 median apartment price gets in Hobart
After CoreLogic recently reported a median unit price of $292,500 in Hobart, Property Observer went searching for what that got.
In Montagu Bay $295,00 will purchase a two-bedroom, one-bathroom unit on Montagu Bay Road (above). The villa-style unit sits on 283 square metres and has a private, low maintenance private backyard.
The same price will also purchase a two-bedroom, one-bathroom unit in Lenah Valley on Iluka Court (below). The 74 square metre brick unit is currently rented at $280 per week.
Also in Lenah Valley and listed for offers above $290,000, the Alwyn Road unit (below) offers two bedrooms and one bathroom. The ground floor unit is 88 square metres in size.
For offers above $295,000, home-buyers can secure a modern two-bedroom, one-bathroom town house in Lindisfarne on Malunna Road (below). The town house measures 98 square metres and sits on 124 square metres of land.
In Kingston $285,000 will secure a two-bedroom, one-bathroom unit on Breeza Court (below). The 75 square metre unit sits on 236 square metres of land.