Mintaro, Monegeetta, mansion buyers list their Diggers Rest property

Mintaro, Monegeetta, mansion buyers list their Diggers Rest property
Nicola TrotmanNovember 20, 2012

The recent buyers of Mintaro, the 1882 Monegeetta mansion, have listed their own Diggers Rest property with a reserve price of $3.25 million.

Brian and Cheryl Glassel have listed the seven-bedroom, four-bathroom Pinewood for December 13 auction.

Located at 829 Black Hill Road, the 1870s house sits on 97 hectares with formal gardens and farmland. The property has nine main paddocks and sheep and cattle yards.

The bluestone, brick and weatherboard construction comprises of classic drawing and dining rooms, conservatory, library, sewing room, four bedrooms and two bathrooms.

There's a second brick veneer residence for guest accommodation.

Last week the Glassels bought Mintaro, the Sunbury district mansion, for its $3 million reserve price shortly after it had been passed in at $2.85 million.

The Glassels plan their own “Country House Rescue” with tours and dining experiences set to make the “property pay for itself”.

The Pinewood, Toolern Vale, auction will be conducted by John Keating from Keatings Real Estate Woodend.

It's only the second time in Pinewood's history since 1848 that it's available for sale.

Nicola Trotman

With a penchant for the written word, Nicola has built a career doing just this – now Creative Director at thriving Melbourne-based PR agency, Greenpoint Media.

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