Bayside the biggest Victorian profit takers, but Murrindindi and Moorabool property sellers make no losses
There were no loss making property sales detected in just the two Melbourne, Victorian municipalities during the March quarter, according to the latest RP Data Pain and Gain report.
They were Murrindindi and Moorabool.
The highest volume of loss-taking was the 19.1% that sold for less than last time in the increasingly problematic Melbourne municipality where the typical loss was $35,000, followed by the 13.4% in the Whittlesea municipality were the typical loss was $17,500.
The biggest losses were taken in the Macedon municipality at a typical $161,500 drop.
Some 22 of the 35 municipalities secured gains well in excess of the biggest loss, with the biggest being a typical $458,000 gain Bayside and a $455,500 gain in the Manningham municipality.
Some 7.4% of Melbourne homes which re-sold over the March 2014 quarter sold at a loss, down from 9.3% at the same time a year ago but up from 6.1% the previous quarter.
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