Alannah Hill lists South Yarra boomtime terrace, Risby
Alannah Hill, a star among the Melbourne fashionocracy, is selling her South Yarra abode, Risby.
The chic 1880s Victorian residence sits within the Domain precinct across from Fawkner Park.
It is expected to fetch $4 million-plus when auctioned next month, before Hill's intended bayside move.
The two-storey house with retained period features has been listed through Marshall White agent Marcus Chiminello.
The boom-style terrace with three bedrooms and a formal lounge, wraparound terrace, double garage and pool, cost a reported $4.31 million in 2010.
It was sold in 2010 by Virginia Monahan, who imports fine cashmere from Scotland to make into sweaters, and her husband Brad who'd listed it with $3.5 million-plus hopes.