Stephen Johns emerges as award-winning Killcare Heights clifftop buyer

Stephen Johns emerges as award-winning Killcare Heights clifftop buyer
Title TattleDecember 7, 2020

Former longtime Westfield director, Stephen Johns, who had been looking to buy a weekender at Palm Beach, is tipped as the mystery buyer of the vast mall-like Jorge Hrdina-designed clifftop home at Killcare Heights.

The purchase price is put at around $3.7 million having been listed with $5 million hopes in February, then revised to $4 million by June.

The pavilion-style home with plenty of sandstone was marketed as one of the Central Coast’s most spectacular by its Belle selling agent Cathy Baker. 

It was listed by Chris Lee, widow of former AAPT executive Lee Casey.

Johns recently downsized to a $16 million Darling Point penthouse with wife Michele Bender, after selling in Bellevue Hill for $21,165,000.

This article was first published in the Sunday Telegraph. 

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