Singapore based expat lawyer secures Kerrie and Spence's The Block Gatwick apartment
In the first of the five Block Gatwick auctions, Kerrie and Spence sold for $2.85 million to an Australian lawyer based in Singapore who is planning on leasing it out and then living there when he moves back to Melbourne.
The dream kitchen worth $250,000 is what PropertyDuo buyers' agent Greville Pabst found to be very alluring in the apartment. It scored a perfect 30/30 from the judges in kitchen week.
The 1/34 Fitzroy Street, offering had a $2.45 million formal reserve with a $15,000 adjustment based on a contestant winning discount which took the reserve to $2.435 million.
The formal price guidance had been $2.5 million to $2.7 million which attracted eight potential buyers who'd registered.
The opening bid at $2.4 million was taken by David Wood of Hocking Stuart with just the three competitive bidders.
Kerrie and Spence secured $415,000 in prize winnings above their reserve.