RACV invests in property technology group iBuildNew
Property technology group iBuildNew has announced a recent round of investment of $2 million, with RACV the lead investor taking a strategic stake in the business.
iBuildNew adds to RACV’s portfolio of investments in consumer technology that assists homeowners to make informed decisions, with other ventures including land checked and property safe.
The iBuildNew solution acts as a marketplace for Australians looking to build or invest in a new home and enabling them to search, compare and connect with builders and land developers.
While assisting buyers in their purchasing decisions, iBuildNew offers a service for home builders, land developers and other industry building professionals who can gain online brand exposure and potentially generate new leads and clients.
Designed to be the destination for people looking to build, it matches buyers to a range of options online while also supporting consumers with their offline phone advisory service.
CEO of iBuildNew.com.au, Daniel Peterson, said the recent investment in the platform will propel them to the next phase and enable further expansion.
"iBuildNew is an easy to use, convenient and accessible platform that solves a genuine need in the property market, especially for those in the new home construction market," he said.
"It can be a stressful journey for buyers, so iBuildNew is here to simplify the process, with builders, land developers and all their property offerings at the click of the button.
"Support from a business such as RACV, which is one of Victoria’s most trusted organisations, will be instrumental in iBuildNew’s growth.
"We expect to see continued traffic growth to the platform to access trusted advice for their homes, investment properties or just search and review what new home property is available."
RACV Home Executive General Manager, Nicole Brasz, said the organisation’s partnership with iBuildNew is another way RACV continues to assist and provide its members solutions at home.