PIPA says OTP spruikers will be poised after Labor win
The Labor Party’s plan to restrict negative gearing on newly built properties could lure in spruikers into the market, according to Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA).
“When you financially incentivize people to buy a particular product, spruikers are not far behind because they see an opportunity to make a lot of cash very quickly,” said PIPA Chairman Peter Koulizos.
The spruikers would endanger the financial lives of thousands of Australians, he said.
Koulizos noted there is currently no legislation to protect consumers from dodgy operators pretending to be property investment experts.
Koulizos said that "financially bribing" investors to purchase new property will create the ideal conditions for spruikers to flood the market.
“It will be like the pink batts fiasco all over again, which was another terrible Labor policy,” he said.
“This time, it is an ill-conceived negative gearing proposal that is being rolled out too quickly and is likely to have financially catastrophic consequences for investors.
"We’re talking about people investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into properties that are likely to be over-priced and inferior in every way possible.”
Koulizos called for the urgent regulation of property investment advice is needed.
“If Labor’s absurd policy comes in, expect more investors to lose their life savings to corrupt charlatans who have no fear of the consequences because of the lack of regulation in the property investment advice space,” he said.