Narraweena the last on the northern beaches to become a $1 million median suburb
The owner-builder Ben Wheeler secured a record $2.18 million at weekend auction for his new home in Narraweena.
He and his wife Shonagh spent more than five years creating the four bedroom, three bathroom trophy home.
The property at 102 Victor Road (pictured above) exceeded the suburb record by $520,000, with the prior record of $1,655,000 only set in December for a house in Karoola Street.
The latest sale was by agent Lachlan Yeates, of Raine and Horne Dee Why, who told the local News Ltd paper 19 parties registered to buy the Wheeler home, the highest number he'd ever had register for an auction.
The new owners are a couple from Melbourne.
According to CoreLogic RP Data, it became a million-dollar suburb this month, the last on Sydney's northern beaches to do so.