Mount Waverley receives the Rothelowman touch prior to a VCAT visit

Mount Waverley receives the Rothelowman touch prior to a VCAT visit
Mark BaljakJuly 25, 2018

Mount Waverley's largest pending development has been completely reworked, with an aesthetically pleasing design in tow.

The planning application before City of Monash has sidestepped the traditional 'mixed-use' term, instead opting to label the application for 445-467 Blackburn Road as a ‘multi-age precinct’. Beyond being highlighted by last year, BC Mount Waverley Project Pty Ltd have enlisted Rothelowman to undertake design duties prior to a VCAT Merits Hearing next month.

445-467 Blackburn Road abuts the Monash Freeway and currently sees the 4-star Hotel Bruce County preside over part of a larger development onsite.

Marchese Partners conceived the initial design which garnered 23 objections and ultimately fell short of Council expectations. Design character, scale, internal amenity, overdevelopment and inconsistencies with presiding planning policies were amongst the reason noted as leading to the initial application's rejection.

Mount Waverley receives the Rothelowman touch prior to a VCAT visit
Lemont Avenue perspective. Planning image: Rothelowman

BC Mount Waverley Project Pty Ltd are now hoping Rothelowman's substituted plans will suffice in addressing earlier concerns when at VCAT.

Adhering to the original intended uses earmarked for the project, 445-467 Blackburn Road will still focus on catering specifically for both children and the elderly, whilst adding short, mid and long-term accommodation options.

Changes to the project's yield include:

  • Removal of 47 apartments 
  • 15 townhouses (previously 10 townhouses)
  • 86 hotel rooms (previously 120 hotel rooms)
  • 8 serviced apartments (unchanged) 
  • 108 independent living units/over 55s retirement living (previously 60 independent living units)
  • 246 on-site car spaces (previously 135) including an additional level of basement car parking 

The design strategy employed here is to stratify layers of built form which both separates uses and allows the opportunity to apply a distinct architectural language and identity to each use.

The materiality helps to draw distinction between the uses, with dark glass encompassing the hotel rooms, providing privacy from Blackburn Road. The residential framing elements are infilled with a light grey glazing and metal cladding. Levels 3 and 7 are designed to appear recessive in order to separate the colonnade and concrete frames.

Rothelowman Design Statement
Mount Waverley receives the Rothelowman touch prior to a VCAT visit
Blackburn road perspective. Planning image: Rothelowman

The rebirthed Mount Waverley project carries strong design traits relative to a number of other Rothelowman-designed developments.

445-467 Blackburn Road is dominated by clear, white, charcoal and black glazing, resulting in an almost brooding exterior. Other finishes include metal cladding and finishes, textured concrete and green planters.

The massive departure from the initially submitted application will go before VCAT on August 20th.

Mount Waverley receives the Rothelowman touch prior to a VCAT visit
Existing Rothelowman projects

Mark Baljak

Mark Baljak was a co-founder of He passed away on Thursday 8th of November 2018 after a battle with cancer. He was 37. Mark was a keen traveller, having visited all six permanently-inhabited continents and had a love of craft beer. One of his biggest passions was observing the change that has occurred in Melbourne over the past two decades. In that time he built an enormous library of photos, all taken by him, which tracked the progress of construction on building sites from across metropolitan Melbourne.

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