Look outside the square: Property lessons from Location Location Location Australia
Location Location Location Australia series two, episode two aired on Wednesday night on the Lifestyle Channel.
Property Observer has plucked out key property lessons from episode two, which focused on Sydney’s upmarket eastern suburbs and inner CBD suburbs, which are quite expensive.
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Andrew has been living with his brother Ian and his girlfriend Rachel for the past eight months while he shopped around for the perfect apartment.
Bryce Holdaway says Darlinghurst and Surrey Hills are very expensive and are highly competitive markets.
“There is no perfect property but there are a lot of excellent properties out there,” says Holdaway.
“ There is a subtle different but perfectionism is a bit of a disease that’s really unhealthy."
If you’re shopping around in expensive and competitive markets, Holdaway says you have to be prepared to not be so picky and when you do find a property you like, to move it on it really quickly.
Holdaway also says to look outside the square and what it can provide.
Property Observer recently reported on pricey popular suburbs and what their cheaper alternatives are in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Brisbane.