Historic winter drives a positive start for spring: Damien Cooley
Auctioneer Damien Cooley has reported the highest winter statistics in the history of Cooley Auctions, with August showing a 26% increase in residential auctions booked year on year.
"Volume was consistently on the rise as we got closer to spring and there were a total of 552 residential auctions booked for last month, which represented a 26% increase year on year," he said.
"Sales remained strong with a clearance rate of 77% and the average number of bids and bidders recorded in the Cooley Index proves a very competitive market. We saw numerous suburb records broke across Sydney, which continues to drive the median house price over the $1 million mark.
"We're very excited about what the spring market has to offer with auction bookings flooding in, especially for the first Super Saturday of the spring selling season on the 26th of September."
Damien Cooley is director of Cooley Auctions and can be contacted here.