Chinese Gatsby lists Windermere, Hunters Hill
Title TattleSeptember 23, 2018
The Chinese businessman Sam Guo has his landmark Windermere, Hunters Hill estate listed for sale.
Guo bought the grand 1857 residence for $11.45 million four years ago.
He became known as ‘the Chinese Gatsby‘ given his many lavish parties.
But at the height of the federal government’s crackdown on foreign buyers in 2015, the near neighbour and then treasurer Joe Hockey reported Guo to the Foreign Investment Review Board because he claimed his approval to buy Windermere was based on “spurious” grounds.
Guo’s approval to buy the established home was by offering an undertaking to the FIRB to add to Australia’s existing housing stock by implementing already approved DA plans to replace the guest house with a new granny flat dwelling.
Fairfax Media report this second dwelling is yet to be built on the 3500-square-metre estate.
The heritage-listed property with the Jules Joubert-built sandstone residence was built in the 1850s.
Neighbours were reported alerted to the upcoming listing by a letter box drop by Jessica Ke, of Carlingford-based agency Ausrealty.
There was also an Instagram post by Ms Ke.