Agency management team sleeps rough for charity
An annual fundraising event held by The St Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies), business leaders are invited to sign-up to lend their voices and their networks in support of raising $700,000 for the Vinnies Soup Vans and other volunteer services that help to alleviate poverty and prevent homelessness.
The Sleepout will be held overnight at 6:00pm Thursday 22nd June until 7:00am Friday 23rd June at the University of Melbourne’s Parkville Campus inside the South Lawn Underground Carpark.
Participants will sleep on a piece of cardboard for the night, given a modest dinner by the Vinnies Soup Van volunteers, and invited to speak face-to-face with people experiencing poverty and homelessness in a series of conversation corners.
Eight members of PhilipWebb’s Management Team including General Manager of Sales Anthony Webb will be participating in the event.
“We pride ourselves on the strong ties we have with our local community.
Our staff have recently volunteered for the Vinnies Soup Van initiative under the guidance of the generous volunteers at The St Vincent de Paul Society.
This experience was an extremely enriching one for all staff involved. We are proud and excited to continue this association by joining the 2017 CEO Sleepout,” he said.
“It is a sad reality that over 725,000 Victorians are living below the poverty line with many descending into crisis and sleeping rough on the streets.
Every little bit helps and we would love the public’s support to reach our goal”.
Contributions can be made towards PhilipWebb’s target at the following link:
Alternatively, those wishing to participate either individually or as part of a senior management team can register at
PhilipWebb Real Estate has been a market leader in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs for more than 45 years.
With Philip Webb still playing a hands-on role in his family-owned business, it is now one of Victoria’s largest non-franchise firms, specialising in residential and commercial sales, auctioneering, property management and investment.