Duplexes lose development exempt status in ACT

Jennifer DukeDecember 7, 2020

Those owning duplexes in ACT will now need development approval before they can be demolished or substantially altered, according to Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell.

Where duplexes currently fell under exempt development rules, Corbell said that in response to community discussions this has now been altered.

"The unique character of duplexes means their demolition and alteration can have significant impact on the adjoining duplex," he said.

"Anyone wanting to demolish and rebuild a duplex or make major alterations will have to lodge a development application, which gives neighbours the opportunity to review the plans and make comments and ensures the planning authority can assess the proposal against current laws and standards to protect the amenity and integrity of the adjoining dwelling."

An example provided is to ensure the party walls are not left exposed to the weather or structurally unsound.

This brings duplex development proposals back to the 'default position' for the majority of developments.

Minor alterations will remain exempt in line with single dwellings, such as exterior refinishing, installation of chimneys and skylight installation.

This amendment is to s.1.100 and s1.100B of schedule 1 of the Planning and Development Regulation 2008.


Jennifer Duke

Jennifer Duke was a property writer at Property Observer

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