Does the estate agent's beauty assist the selling price?

Does the estate agent's beauty assist the selling price?
Property ObserverDecember 7, 2020

A new study has suggested attractive real estate agents sell homes at prices $US15,622 higher than those of their less attractive peers.

However average-looking agents tend to earn more overall than their attractive counterparts.

The study co-author Frank Mixon, visiting professor of economics, accounting and finance at Columbus State University in Columbus, studied more than 100 real estate agents in a metropolitan area in the US South.

Based on their photos, these real estate agents were rated based on their attractiveness, on a scale of 1 to 10 by more than 400 raters.

The study concluded attractive agents tended to sell fewer homes over a seven-year period than average-looking agents.

"The results of the study weren't surprising in that there is a lot of research indicating that attractiveness plays a big role in the workplace," he told


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