96 other Off the Plan & New Apartments near Barton, ACT 2600
Showing results 1 - 42 of 96 apartments.
10 Kennedy Street, Kingston10 Kennedy Street, Kingston ACT 2604Track live updates
Atria38 Eyre Street, Kingston ACT 2604Track live updates
78 Franklin Street, Forrest78 Franklin Street, Forrest ACT 2603Track live updates
11 State Circle, Forrest11 State Circle, Forrest ACT 2603Track live updates
29 Howitt Street, Kingston29 Howitt Street, Kingston ACT 2604Track live updates
Light Street, GriffithLight Street, Griffith ACT 2603Track live updates
Renaissance ManukaLight Street, Griffith ACT 2603Track live updates
Walter & Whitley52-56 Leichhardt Street, Griffith ACT 2603Track live updates
Illume11 Light Street, Griffith ACT 2603Track live updates
58 Leichhardt Street, Griffith58 Leichhardt Street, Griffith ACT 2603Track live updates
82W82 Wentworth Avenue, Kingston ACT 2604Track live updates
35 Bremer Street, Griffith35 Bremer Street, Griffith ACT 2603Track live updates
The Grande on London70 Allara Street, City ACT 2601Track live updates
Dairy Road redevelopment1 Dairy Road, Fyshwick ACT 2609Track live updates
3 Truscott Street, Campbell3 Truscott Street, Campbell ACT 2612Track live updates
2 Batman Street, Braddon2 Batman Street, Braddon ACT 2612Track live updates
25 Narellan Street, Canberra City25 Narellan Street, City ACT 2601Track live updates
9 Moore Street, Canberra City9 Moore Street, City ACT 2601Track live updates
6 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon6 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon ACT 2612Track live updates
Discovery Street, Red HillDiscovery Street, Red Hill ACT 2603Track live updates
165 Discovery Street, Red Hill165 Discovery Street, Red Hill ACT 2603Track live updates
art.haus, Turner91 Northbourne Avenue, Turner ACT 2612Track live updates
Braddon Place65-69 Henty Street, Braddon ACT 2612Track live updates
3 Forbes Street, Turner3 Forbes Street, Turner ACT 2612Track live updates
Black DiamondIron Knob Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609Track live updates
Edgeworth10 David Street, Turner ACT 2612Track live updates
27 Wakefield Avenue, Dickson27 Wakefield Avenue, Dickson ACT 2602Track live updates
122 Macarthur Avenue, Turner122 Macarthur Avenue, Turner ACT 2612Track live updates
Macarthur Urban Village12 Wattle Street, Lyneham NSW 2602Track live updates
Gloriosa3-7 McGowan Place, Dickson ACT 2602Track live updates
50 Launceston Street, Phillip50 Launceston Street, Phillip ACT 2606Track live updates
246 Northbourne Avenue, Dickson246 Northbourne Avenue, Dickson ACT 2602Track live updates
Dickson17 Stockdale Street, Dickson ACT 2602Track live updates
9 Irving Street, Phillip9 Irving Street, Phillip ACT 2606Track live updates
De Burgh Street, LynehamDe Burgh Street, Lyneham ACT 2602Track live updates
Showing results 1 - 42 of 96 apartments.
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