Free eBook: Gladstone: Investment keys to one of the nation’s most talked-about hotspots

Free eBook: Gladstone: Investment keys to one of the nation’s most talked-about hotspots
Fiona LimOctober 28, 2012

Free eBook: Gladstone – Investment keys to one of the nation’s most talked-about hotspots

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On the back of its mineral resources, Queensland is currently undergoing a metamorphosis that will pave the way for wealth generation for smart property investors.

Investors from across Australia have also been looking to Queensland given its emerging housing shortage in many mining-associated towns within the state’s 12 mining basins.

Researcher Andrea Dixon was asked to put Gladstone under the microscope. We all know it’s a mining boom town with a vast number of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and coal projects in development, but how does it really stack up?


In this eBook you will find an insider’s knowledge of understanding Gladstone.

As we know, anecdotal evidence is not enough to make an informed decision; savvy investors also need to undertake broader research and keep abreast of important economic mining news such as the demand for coal from India and China, and where their economies are heading.

We hope this eBook provides some initial steps to assist in making a smart investment.


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