Free eBook: 21 do’s and don’ts for SMSF property investors

Amelie MillsDecember 7, 2020

Property Observer eBook: 21 do’s and don’ts for SMSF property investors

Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) provide plenty of opportunities for astute, well-informed property investors yet there are many potential pitfalls for the unwary. It is a matter of maximising the opportunities while minimising the risk of falling into one of the costly traps.

Property Observer’s 2013 Residential Property Investor Sentiment Survey reflects the increasing popularity of direct property among SMSFs.

This e-book – written by superannuation and personal investment journalist Michael Laurence – is intended to help guide you through the do’s and don’ts of SMSF property investing.

Click here to download this free Property Observer eBook.

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