What the $500,000 median house price gets in Perth
After CoreLogic recently reported a median house price of $500,000 in Perth, Property Observer went searching for what that got.
In Redcliffe the median price will secure a three-bedroom, two-bathroom house on Victoria Street (above). The five-year-old house features a double-storey garage and built in wardrobes in all bedrooms.
In Two Rocks the median price will secure a four-bedroom, two-bathroom house on Madeline Court (below). The house sits on a 814 square metre block and features an in-ground swimming pool.
In Madeley home-buyers can secure a four-bedroom, two-bathroom home on Bryanston Pass built in 2010 (below). The house sits on a 375 square metre block.
In Baldivis the median price will purchase a five-bedroom, two-bathroom home on Lagoon Pass (below). The new house sits on 564 square metres of land.
In Waikiki a six-bedroom, two-bathroom house on Auld Court will set buyers back $500,000 (below). The large property has parking for five cars and 680 square metres of land.