What the $377,500 median apartment price gets in Brisbane
After CoreLogic recently reported a median unit price of $377,500 in Brisbane, Property Observer went searching for what that got.
Within the median price buyers can purchase a two-bedroom, one-bathroom unit at 1/93 Oxford Terrace in TARINGA (above), located in a complex of six units or a two-bedroom, two-bathroom unit at 5/18 Vine Street in Greenslopes (below), located across the road from corner stores and cafes.
The two-bedroom, two-bathroom unit at 6/47 Wayland Street in Stafford (below) has been listed for offers above $379,000 with a north-facing deck, air conditioning and a modern kitchen.
Also slightly above the median price, the one-bedroom, one-bathroom unit at 7/228 Vulture Street (below) in South Brisbane which offers river views and a pool.