The Guardian Australia rents Surry Hills space
The British news publisher Guardian News will set up in Sydney’s Surry Hills to launch its Australian operation, Guardian Australia.
Editor-in-chief Katharine Viner and colleagures are set to move into 35 Reservoir Street, Surry Hills with a five year lease.
The 550-square-metre site has been leased for a gross rental of a reported $500 a square metre from the landlord, Teachers Health Fund.
The site can accommodate 40 journalists, the rival The Australian Financial Reweview says.
James McCourt of Karbon Property and Frank Scarf from Arissa negotiated the lease.
Metro Commercial recently had a first floor 484 square metre space in the building with separate high class corporate boardroom, a fit out of 37 workstations and seven individual offices along with kitchenette and chill out area leading to balcony area.
It was available at $495 a square metre plus gst.
Teachers Health Fund is a national private health insurer, providing products and services to over 110,000 members throughout Australia.The fund was established in 1954 by the New South Wales Teachers Federation.