Still 341,784 would-be sellers, but has your capital city shed its property oversupply? A state-by-state SQM analysis

Still 341,784 would-be sellers, but has your capital city shed its property oversupply? A state-by-state SQM analysis
Cassidy KnowltonJanuary 9, 2013

The number of properties available for sale decreased in every capital city between December 2011 and December 2012, according to SQM Research.

"If this trend continues, it could be possible that the level of unsold homes around the country has reached its peak and may now begin to decline," says SQM Research director Louis Christopher. 


The number of properties on the market in Adelaide in December 2012, according to SQM Research. This is down from 17,286 in December 2011, a decrease of 4.6%.



The number of properties on the market in Brisbane in December 2012, according to SQM Research. This is down from 27,104 in December 2011, a decrease of 6%.



The number of properties on the market in Canberra in December 2012, according to SQM Research. This is down from 3,568 in December 2011, a decrease of 2.4%.


The number of properties on the market in Darwin in December 2012, according to SQM Research. This is down from 1,486 in December 2011, a decrease of 26.9%.


The number of properties on the market in Hobart in December 2012, according to SQM Research. This is down from 4,599 in December 2011, a decrease of 2.1%.


The number of properties on the market in Melbourne in December 2012, according to SQM Research. This is down from 43,682 in December 2011, a decrease of 4.2%.


The number of properties on the market in Perth in December 2012, according to SQM Research. This is down from 19,011 in December 2011, a decrease of 5.8%.


The number of properties on the market in Sydney in December 2012, according to SQM Research. This is down from 32,376 in December 2011, a decrease of 22.9%.



The number of properties on the market Australia-wide in December 2012, according to SQM Research. This is down from 360,101 in December 2011, a decrease of 5.1%.

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