Puppies, massages and yoga: The new factors attracting Brisbane landlords
Pet days, massage treatments and yoga classes are among the new wave of health and wellness benefits landlords are using to attract tenants in Brisbane, according to Knight Frank.
Jamie Nason, Knight Frank Director of Office Leasing, said these are quickly becoming an important point of difference in a competitive market.
“Owners will always have to improve their offering, particularly around the health and wellness area, to remain competitive, especially since tenants have quite a bit of choice,” he said.
“A building needs to tick every box or a landlord runs the risk of not securing the next tenant, and health and wellness is a key aspect for many tenants as it not only increases their enjoyment of the office, but attracts quality employees to their businesses.
“Landlords aren’t the only ones focusing on health and wellness offerings of course; companies are also continuing to offer more in this space, with more innovative offerings being rolled out.”
According to Nason, the current wellness offerings in the Brisbane office leasing market are:
- End of Trip (EOT) facilities
While they have long been part of buildings, EOT facilities are fast becoming much more fancy, said Nason.
“Owners are up-speccing the standards for EOT, particularly owners of B-Grade buildings. Most EOTs now have a complimentary towel service, lockers, airing rooms, ironing boards and GHD hair dryers/straighteners.”
- Fitness
Subsidised gym memberships and personal training courses are among the factors major firms are looking to for their staff.
Nason pointed to Knight Frank's recent National Steps Challenge, where around 70% of the Brisbane office participated in walking 10,000 steps over a month, as an example of the fitness programs being sponsored.
- Yoga/meditation
Buildings such as 340 Adelaide Street (pictured above) and 127 Creek Street in Brisbane are among those who have introduced yoga and meditation days for tenants within the building.
Nason said that these classes are held in vacant areas of the building, and contrast from companies offering them within their own fitouts, such as boardrooms, which has been common in recent years.
- Massage treatments
Companies such as Knight Frank are providing massage treatments from major health fund like Bupa.
- Animal pet days
340 Adelaide Street offers tenants a ‘Bring Your Dog to Work Day’, which started on August 14 this year. The landlord, Mirvac, was the first landlord in Queensland to offer this.
Ben McGrath, Knight Frank Partner and Head of Queensland, said in line with many companies in Brisbane and nationally, Knight Frank placed huge importance on health and wellness for employees.
“Every year we have a had a national Wellness Week to coincide with RUOK Day, and this year we held events and raised funds for that cause,” he said.
“This included the 10,000 step competition, with other activities rolled out being morning meditations, free neck and shoulder massages, the provision of healthy kitchen snacks, a lunchtime walking group and a month-long Friday morning touch football competition.
“The activities have proven to be very successful, and the step competition and lunchtime walking group will continue indefinitely. We walk along the riverfront or through the Botanical Gardens, or to the Farmers Markets at Brisbane Square.
“The business also closed at 3pm on Friday, September 14, the day after RUOK day, to promote ongoing work/life balance.
“Knight Frank also offers free counselling services for all staff and their families, accessible for any reason at all and at any time, without any need to talk to anyone in the business, including HR.”
McGrath said Knight Frank was continuing to monitor its health and wellness offerings, updating them as required.
“We are listening to what our employees want,” he said. “One of the newest offerings in the pipeline as a result of employee demand is the plan to start a vegetable and herb garden.
“Not every tenancy can do this, but we are somewhat unique in having a balcony on which we can start the garden.
“Employees would be welcome to some of the produce and we would also use it for preparing food and drinks at functions held on the balcony, such as mint for mojitos and herbs for slow-cooked meats.”