Pearl, South Brisbane apartment complex listed in one line
Pearl, a boutique four apartment residential South Brisbane complex, has been listed in one line.
Karon Yesberg from Ray White Property Centre gives the expected rental return for the whole block as $250,000 per annum.
"Ideal for the savvy investor, a SMSF or be lord of the manor and live luxuriously in the penthouse and have rental return from the other apartments," she suggested.
Positioned high in Kangaroo Point, capturing views of the City, the whole floor apartments at 30 Ellis Street range in size from 196 square metres to 313 square metres.
The apartments come with three bedrooms, main with ensuite and walk-in robe, second bathroom, separate powder room and laundry.
There are 11 under cover car spaces and visitors space.
There is a swimming pool in the complex built seven years ago, when it came with a $5 million plus value.