Melbourne's inner city vacancy rate jumps from 3.3% to 3.7%: REIV
There's been a slight tightening in Melbourne’s vacancy rate from 3.4% in June to 3.2% in July, but it was accompanied by a significant increase in landlords with vacant inner suburb property.
The Melbourne inner city vacancy rate jumped from 3.3% to 3.7%.
The vacancy rate for the middle suburbs declined from 3.6% to 3%.
The outer suburbs vacancy rate fell from 2.9% to 1.9%.
There have been major recent fluctuations in the inner city vacancy which tightened from 4.4% in April to 3.9% in May, then down to 3.3% in June.
In June 2012 the inner city vacancy rate was 1.9% real which rose to 2.3% in July 2012.
The vacancy rate in regional Victoria tightened further from 3.7% to 3.4% with declines in all three key regional centres.
Ballarat recorded the largest reduction in the vacancy rate from 4% to 2.9%.
The vacancy rate fell in Bendigo from 3.1% to 2.5%.
Geelong's vacancy rate fell from 5.5% to 5.2%.
"This tightening in the vacancy rate led to the weekly regional house rents increasing from $295 to $300 and for regional units from $228 to $250," the REIV said.