Median house price for Sydney expected to fall in next three years
Sydney’s median house price is expected to decline in the next three years.
Figures from BIS Oxford Economics has predicted that in 2020 Sydney’s median price will fall by 4% to $1.15 million compared to this year’s median price of $1.2 million.
This is compared to Canberra where it has an expected rise the highest of all, at 16% from $665,000 in 2017 to $770,000 in 2020.
The only other locality with a predicted drop in median price is Darwin where BIS Oxford Economics has predicted that there will be a fall of 1% from $525,000 to $520,000.
Similarly for units all locality except Adelaide, Canberra and Hobart are predicted to experience a decline in median unit prices.
The biggest is Brisbane with a predicted drop of 7% from $425,000 to $395,000.
Sydney, Melbourne and Darwin follow soon after with a predicted drop of 4%.
In contrast to this Hobart’s unit median price is expected to increase by 6% from $315,000 to $335,000.