Bullarto Uniting Church sells at $115,000
The Bullarto Uniting Church – forecast to fetch around $100,000 at weekend auction – fetched $115,000 when sold to a Daylesford district purchaser.
It’s a decommissioned church on a half-acre (2,023-square-metre) block 10 kilometres outside of Daylesford, Victoria, but it came with some complications.
The council regulations make its difficult to install a toilet on the site.
A council planner told Property Observer that as a rule of thumb, the guidelines from the EPA require a minimum of one acre (4,047 square metres) to install a septic tank system.
One Property Observer reader advised installing a composting toilet.
Agent Bart O'Sullivan from Pat Rice & Hawkins says it was up to buyers to make their own inquiries.
“The church can’t give any guarantees for what it can or can’t be used for,” O’Sullivan says.
Within 10 kilometres of both Daylesford and Trentham, the property is ideal for a tourism venture, selling agent Bart O'Sullivan of Pat Rice & Hawkins Melbourne suggested.
A church has stood on the site since the late 1800s, with the offering built in 1953 by the local community, using a loan of £200 and a levy on the local potato farmers.
The building has a brick portico and a small vestry area attached with prominent exposed beams, polished floor boards, timber-lined ceiling and dado wall paneling half way up the walls.
It has a total building area of just 60 square metre on its elevated position.
There were $250,000 hopes in a previous marketing campaign.