Sydney metro offering long-term retail spaces

Sydney metro offering long-term retail spaces
Staff reporterDecember 7, 2020

The Sydney Metro Northwest upgrades have resulted in a variety of retail spaces on and around five of the new railway stations.

This follows the previous appointment of Savills Australia to conduct an expressions of interest leasing campaign for retail spaces at 12 of the Sydney Metro Northwest stations, which closed on June 1, 2018.

Now, phase two will differ by instead offering long-term retail opportunities in purpose built buildings on the station unpaid concourse.

Sydney Metro in partnership with Landcom are also offering on the land reserved for future development surrounding the station a 3,000sq m (approx.) ground lease opportunity and short term pad sites within “Interim Activation Areas” suited to a variety of uses, for example food and beverage trucks, pop up retail and events.

Savills Australia executive of retail services, David Kleiner has been appointed to conduct a new expressions of interest leasing campaign and said he has received an overwhelming response since the beginning of the first release.

These new opportunities have become available at five Sydney Metro Northwest stations at Tallawong, Kellyville, Bella Vista, Hills Showground and Cherrybrook stations. Chcha

Sydney Metro is Australia’s biggest public transport project – 13 metro stations open in the city’s north west in the first half of next year, with metro rail to extend into the Sydney CBD in 2024.

The expressions of interest campaign will commence 19 September 2018 with the activation of a dedicated website being and close 19 October, 2018.

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