Cancer charity CanTeen buys Newtown building for $13 million

Cancer charity CanTeen buys Newtown building for $13 million
Staff reporterDecember 7, 2020

The Trocadero and Académie de Musique, a Victorian Fleming-style commercial building at 69-77 King Street, Newtown, has been sold.

The non profit cancer charity, CanTeen has paid $13 million to the Moore Theological College, which bought the property in 1974.

CanTeen has been the anchor tenant in the heritage-listed building since 2014, occupying most of the 1700 square metres of internal space.

There were more than 250 inquiries, and more than 50 inspections.

The agents were quoting more than $10 million, offering comparables including the historic Chippendale warehouse, which the University of Technology Sydney bought for $11.25 million last March.

Built during the 1880s boom, the Trocadero was one of 25 roller skating rinks in Sydney.

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