Expect values to drop 20 percent under Labor negative gearing: Aussie John Symond

Expect values to drop 20 percent under Labor negative gearing: Aussie John Symond
Joel RobinsonDecember 7, 2020

The Aussie Home Loans founder John Symond, in an interview with Ross Greenwood on 2GB's Money News, has lashed out at the mooted changes to negative gearing.

Ross Greenwood suggested that he was surprised by the Labor's strategy of only allowing negative gearing on new homes, which was met accord from John Symond.

"Ross, can you imagine?"

"Let's say they introduce that legislation - only new housing - the day you exchange contracts on a new home, it immediately becomes an old home and guess what, it will drop by at least 20 percent in value, and who's going to walk in to that one?"

Greenwood stated that house prices seem to be resilient around the country with investors not shying away from the property markets at the moment.

"The markets have had a bit of a kick up in the last few weeks, but who knows the real reason," Symond said.

In response to Ross suggesting any big tax changes will change the mood and the direction the money flows, John offered an alternative view.

"Conversely I think a lot of people think I better get in now before any changes come in because they probably won't be retrospective I probably better buy a property now."

"Certainly if the government introduced anything that was perceived to be significantly adversed it would prick the balloon of the housing market and that's for sure," he said.

John said his concern is if they scare away the mums and dads from their negative gearing on their housing.

"The average Australian understands housing and they try and build up a nest egg for future years, and they'll run a mile," he said.

"Everyone will be too scared."

"Imagine what that will do to the real estate market."

"Five trillion dollars in asset value for Australian's as a buffer for the future and a government could be so dumb to blow that up."

He said that we already have a shortage of housing in most capital cities.

"Imagine you being a developer, I'd run 100 miles per hour."

Ross Greenwood said that we need to encourage people to build houses with the population projections.

The population is expected to reach 35 million people between 2050 and 2060, with Sydney and Melbourne to have eight million people each and Brisbane and the Gold Coast to have four million.

John said it will have the opposite impact.

"They are really playing with dynamite here and I hope to goodness they don't come up with some crazy idea and totally destabilise the one industry Australia is relying on."

"They can totally blow it up and I'm amazed that they're even talking about it," he said.

Symonds said he hadn't been speaking to many politicians however thinks they are all clutching as straws.

"They got frightened off with the GST and now they're looking at tinkering with super, they're tinkering with negative gearing and these are areas that impacts the vast majority of working mums and dads or retirees."

"I just think they're desperate."

"Unfortunately the tax system has been busted for decades and it hasn't been addressed."

He suggested that every time they have a look at a particular area they get scared.

"I think we're in no different position than we've been in for the last 20 years with a flawed tax system that just doesn't work."

Joel Robinson

Joel Robinson is a property journalist based in Sydney. Joel has been writing about the residential real estate market for the last five years, specializing in market trends and the economics and finance behind buying and selling real estate.

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