Front versus top-loader washing machine: which should property investors install?
Where should property investors stand in the debate on new washing machines in their rental property?
The question on whether to get a top-loader or a front-loader.
Recent findings from Roy Morgan research show that while traditional top-loading machines still outnumber front-loaders in Australian households, but they are on the wane as front-loaders becoming more popular.
It found 52% of Aussie households own a top-loading washing machine, a decrease from 2010 when it was 60%.
The proportion of households with a front-loader now sits at 34%, so there must be still some washboards!
For investors i was worth noting that whether a household opts for one or the other appears to be linked to what stage of the life cycle its occupants are at.
Front-loaders prevalence varies considerably.
Proportion of household types with front-loading and top-loading washing machines
Source: Roy Morgan Single Source (Australia), January–December 2014
Households occupied by young parents or mid-life families are the most likely to own a front-loading washing machine (41% and 42% respectively), while older households (27%) are the least likely.
Households occupied by young singles are the least likely to own a washing machine of any kind.
Using less power and less water, front-loaders are widely acknowledged to be better for the environment — and households with front-loading machines tend to be a little more green-leaning than those with top-loaders, Angela Smith, Group Account Director, Roy Morgan Research said.
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