Three bedroom Maylands apartment listed by mortgagee
A three bedroom two bathroom Maylands, WA home has been listed by its mortgagee.
Located at 19/54 Central Avenue, Maylands, the apartment is set for auction December 15.
Set on 140 sqm the property is part of the Horizon's complex offering features such as a swimming pool, spa, BBQ entertaining area, residents lounge and gym.
Situated within a kilometre of both public transport links and shopping options the home is 4.1 km from the Perth CBD.
The home also features two car bays and the complex allows small pets.
Last sold in 2007 the home went for $575,000.
The property was listed for rent as recently as March 2017 at $460 per week.
The median price for Maylands, WA is $599,444 according to CoreLogic data.