Melbourne auction tipping: Unique Mount Waverley property with upwardly revised price hopes
The significant amount of interest in a Mount Waverley property has encouraged its agent to lift his price expectations.
There’s a website,, where punters can guess what they think properties will sell for at their weekend auctions in Melbourne and Sydney. This season Property Observer readers have their own competition, which you can access here. The winner of the overall competition will win $1,000.
When an agent lifts the quote through a campaign that is a clear sign he or she has a lot of interest in the property. During early stages of the advertising for 15 Bond Street, Mount Waverley, it was expected to achieve a sale of between $900,000 and $1 million.
However, this is a unique property that backs onto Valley Reserve, and it has attracted a significant amount of interest, with more than 75 groups inspecting the property. Agent Cedric Newbond from Hocking Stuart has indicated interest is now above $1million. As a result he has revised the quote range to $1 million to $1.1 million.