Make sure the property developer has a good reputation
Research the background of the developer and its track record.
Have there been court actions against the developer? Does it have a historyof delivering what has been promised and settling disputes quickly and neatly?
“Banks are strict on who they lend to. Banks also look for a good track record before handing over construction finance,”says Tim Rees, director of CBRE residential projects.
The internet is a good tool for research, and look for blogs and newspaper articles.
Do not judge a developer solely by its website, and ensure there is an office where you can meet people face to face.
It is also a good idea to visit the property site and check the location. You may find other construction in the area, which may affect your view.
You should also carefully inspect the display home, models and plans as well as the fixtures and fittings.
For great tips on buying off the plan, download Property Observer’s free ebook – 14 tips for buying off the plan: The 2013 guide for investors and owner-occupiers.