John McGrath sees big opportunities for first home buyers
Property expert John McGrath has encouraged first home buyers to look deeper into the grants and stamp duty concessions available to them.
In his latest his latest Switzer blog he says with first home buying across Australia at its lowest level in more than a decade he wants to encourage young people to re-think their position, adding every single state and territory in Australia is currently offering assistance to first home buyers – and not just on new property purchases either.
"Every now and then the rules change and young people need to keep abreast of these changes so they can best take advantage of them," he said.
"For example, did you know the Queensland Government has introduced a $5,000 boost to their First Home Owners’ Grant for this financial year only? This is a one-off, one-year boost to the grant from $15,000 to $20,000 that will end on June 30, 2017.
"While it’s true that all grants are limited to newly-built, off-the-plan or substantially renovated properties, some stamp duty concessions apply to both new and established homes.
"It’s really worth taking the time to check out exactly what assistance is available to you, especially with interest rates at such record lows and likely to stay this way indefinitely. If you put these two factors together, motivated first home buyers can do very well right now.
"Although affordability is a big hurdle in cities like Sydney, I see a major opportunity ahead for young buyers in prime east coast markets.
"That opportunity is the impending oversupply of new apartment stock in Melbourne, Brisbane and to a slightly lesser extent, Sydney. Where a market is oversupplied, prices fall. It’s that simple and that means opportunities for buyers.
"The impending apartment oversupply means first home buyers will be able to:
- Buy for a better price
- Have more negotiating power
- Have more choice of property available to them
- Have more time on their side to choose their next home
- Get tens of thousands of dollars in grants and duty concessions to assist them
He gave a few few words of caution for potential buyers to heed when buying in an oversupplied market.
"You have to be careful in your choice of location. Pick a desirable area close to amenities with easy access to major employment hubs. Once the oversupply has been absorbed (which might take a few years), prices will begin rising again in good quality suburbs.
"Be careful in your choice of product. Focus on good quality developments and choose an apartment that has some unique features, such as a particularly large floor plan, generous balconies or courtyards, great privacy, views or a north aspect. Avoid small uninspiring apartments in developments where every property is the same.
"Shop around for finance. Some lenders are avoiding certain postcodes (primarily central CBD areas) not because they’re bad areas to buy in, but because the oversupply creates too much short-term risk for the banks. So you’ll need to talk to a broker to find out which lenders are appropriate for you if you want to buy in these areas.
"Buy for the long term. I can’t stress this enough. The oversupply will take some time to run its course. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you need to sell during the oversupply period. Oversupplies are only advantageous to buyers.
"Here is a brief overview of the grants and stamp duty concessions available in each state and territory. For more comprehensive information, go to"
New South Wales
Name: First Home Owner Grant (New Homes) scheme
Eligible price point: $750,000 or less
Eligible properties: New homes
Amount: $10,000
Stamp duty concessions
Name: First Home – New Home scheme
Eligible price point: Full exemption up to $550,000, concessional rates for new homes valued between $550,000 and $650,000
Eligible properties: New homes
Name: First Home Owner Grant
Eligible price point: $750,000 or less
Eligible properties: New homes
Amount: $10,000
Stamp duty concessions
Name: First home buyer duty reduction
Eligible price point: $600,000 or less
Eligible properties: All properties
Amount: Up to 50% discount on stamp duty
Note: A second scheme called the Off-the-Plan Concession provides a further discount specifically for off-the-plan purchases
Name: First Home Owners’ Grant
Eligible price point: $750,000 or less
Eligible properties: New homes
Amount: $20,000 until June 30, 2017
Stamp duty concessions
Name: First Home Concession
Eligible price point: $550,000 or less
Eligible properties: All properties
Amount: Stamp duty exempt to $500,000, sliding scale from $500,000 - $549,000
Note: A second scheme called the Home Concession provides stamp duty concessions on all properties at any price point purchased for owner-occupation. If your first home is above $550,000, you can apply for a concession through this scheme
Australian Capital Territory
Name: First Home Owner Grant
Eligible price point: $750,000 or less
Eligible properties: New homes
Amount: $10,000
Stamp duty concessions
Name: Home Buyer Concession Scheme
Eligible price point: Full concession up to $455,000; sliding scale to $585,000
Eligible properties: New homes
Other criteria: Gross income thresholds apply. For example, the threshold for applicants without children is $160,000. You do not need to be a first home buyer but you cannot have owned property for the past two years
Amount: Stamp duty reduced to just $20 on properties worth $455,000 or less
Western Australia
Name: First Home Owner Grant
Eligible price point: $750,000 cap on properties south of the 26th parallel (i.e. Perth metropolitan areas) and $1 million cap on homes north of the 26th parallel
Eligible properties: New homes
Amount: $10,000
Stamp duty concessions
Name: First Home Owner Rate of Duty
Eligible price point: $530,000 or less
Eligible properties: All properties
Amount: Stamp duty exempt on homes worth $430,000 or less. Sliding scale of concessions on homes valued $431,000 - $530,000
South Australia
Name: First Home Owner Grant
Eligible price point: $575,000 or less
Eligible properties: New homes
Amount: $15,000
Stamp duty concessions
Name: Off-the-Plan Apartment Concession
Eligible price point: No threshold
Eligible properties: Off-the-plan apartments
Amount: Partial concessions available until June 30, 2017. Amount depends on the stage of construction at the time of purchase
Northern Territory
Name: First Home Owner Grant
Eligible price point: No threshold
Eligible properties: New homes
Amount: $26,000 plus a further grant of up to $2,000 under the Household Goods Grant Scheme
Stamp duty concessions
Name: First Home Owner Discount
Eligible price point: $650,000 or less
Eligible properties: Established properties
Amount: Stamp duty exempt up to $500,000; sliding scale to $650,000. Flat $10,000 duty discount for homes worth more than $650,000
Name: First Home Owner Grant
Eligible price point: No threshold
Eligible properties: New homes
Amount: $20,000 until June 30, 2017 and $10,000 from July 1, 2017
Stamp duty concessions
None available