Faulconbridge, NSW home set for mortgagee auction hammer
A three bedroom Faulconbridge, New South Wales mortgagee home has been scheduled for auction on June 8 with a price guide of $460,000.
Mark Barton of Bartons Real Estate Springwood holds the listing.
Located at 93 Chapman Parade, the house comes with three bedrooms, entertaining area, utility room, two street access and big yard.
The 1980 built home is within close proximity to primary and secondary schools.
Set on 697 sqm the home was last listed as a rental in 2011 with an asking price of $370/pw.
Last sold in 2013 the home transacted for $390,000.
The median price for a house in Faulconbridge is $685,000 according to CoreLogic, which calculate its annual change in median price over the past 10 years as 6.4%.