Docklands is Beautiful, or is it?

Docklands is Beautiful, or is it?
Mark BaljakJanuary 2, 2013

We at like most readers out there have a wide variety of opinions when talking about Docklands - positive, negative and all that lies between. Over time will give much time and analysis to Docklands, dealing with a myriad of topics but for the time being we'd like to draw everyone's attention to

Docklands is Beautiful, or is it?

Unfortunately the website is somewhat spasmodic in its updates, but their campaign statement in particular draws attention:

Docklands is Beautiful is a grassroots campaign designed to provide Docklanders with the resources and inspiration to let the world know what a wonderful place Melbourne Docklands is.

The campaign is an initiative of Docklands News and comes in response to a growing (and incorrect) negative public perception surrounding Melbourne’s Docklands.

Negative media is very disappointing for the people who live, work and visit Docklands and absolutely love the place. Our community is vibrant and strong. But it appears that we need to roll our sleeves up and simply tell the rest of the world how beautiful Docklands is.

The campaign has come from the ground up. It has not been strategised, spun, devised, concocted or been influenced by any marketers, PR consultants or any other paid experts.

It has come from the exasperation that ordinary Docklanders are feeling about the seemingly regular negative comments and opinions directed at our suburb.

We say … enough!

Don’t criticise what you don’t understand. And if you don’t choose to live here, that’s fine. Just don’t interfere with our quiet enjoyment of the most stunning suburb in Melbourne.

We’re only half-way through our development and we are patiently awaiting its completion. Docklands is not soulless. Docklands is not a planning disaster. Docklands is simply unfinished.

And one thing that can’t be denied is that Docklands IS BEAUTIFUL!

Docklands is Beautiful » The campaign

Full marks for passion and well said!

Docklands is Beautiful, or is it?

While the images above are taken from the Docklands is Beautiful website, a wander through Docklands one afternoon yielded a selection of art-led images below - it's not all concrete down there.

Mark Baljak

Mark Baljak was a co-founder of He passed away on Thursday 8th of November 2018 after a battle with cancer. He was 37. Mark was a keen traveller, having visited all six permanently-inhabited continents and had a love of craft beer. One of his biggest passions was observing the change that has occurred in Melbourne over the past two decades. In that time he built an enormous library of photos, all taken by him, which tracked the progress of construction on building sites from across metropolitan Melbourne.

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