40 off-the-plan sales made so far in Caboolture's Central Springs development

40 off-the-plan sales made so far in Caboolture's Central Springs development
Staff reporterDecember 7, 2020

First home buyers have purchased nearly 70 percent of homes so far within Caboolture's 400 acre Central Springs residential development.

The project, from QM Properties, will feature nearly 1000 new homes completed by 2023.

Damien Ross, QM Properties general sales manager, said since release 40 sales have been made, all off-the-plan.

“First home lending and buying is certainly on the rise in Queensland, and it’s great to see people considering the Caboolture and Moreton Bay region," he said.

“Growth in the area, attractive house prices and its proximity to Brisbane’s city centre make Central Springs an appealing and affordable option for first home buyers.

“We have also seen a large amount of interest from the local first home buyers with 83.3 percent of our buyers already living in the Moreton Bay area, which shows great faith in the region."

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