Eight vital infrastructure signs to ensure your area stacks up: Cameron McEvoy

Property ObserverDecember 7, 2020

Regular observer Cameron McEvoy believes that overall, investment desirability in an area is heavily dependent on infrastructure.

"There is not one checklist of infrastructure vitals you need to investigate when considering an investment property purchase, but two", Cameron McEvoy wrote.

The first list he came up with are a checklist of an area's core vitals pertaining to the basics of human life: safety, security, and employment:

Infrastructure Checklist – Area Vitals:

-          Emergency services (local police, fire, ambulance)

-          Employment prospects (look for job creation in a variety, not just a handful, of industries or trades)

-          Proximity to transport nodes (rail, bus, tram; as well as domestic and international airports)

-          Shopping & retail facilities (basic/core groceries)

-          Proximity to education facilities (pre-school through to tertiary)

-          Digital services (fast access internet, subscription television)

-          Provision of basic leisure facilities (parks, local sports grounds, town centres, restaurants/bars)

-          Well-maintained roads and intersecting/connecting motorways

Cameron McEvoy is a NSW-based property investor and maintains a blog, Property Correspondent.

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